We don't get a second chance to make a first impression...
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  • Writer's pictureHermione Gardiner

We don't get a second chance to make a first impression...

Updated: Feb 12

I'm sure we've all heard the saying that first impressions count... and for most of us when we hear this phrase we imagine when we first meet someone in person. Making sure we show up with a friendly smile (and that we don't have a huge chunk of spinach stuck in our teeth). As humans we make judgements on other people quickly. Judgements on whether we like the other person, whether we are similar to the other person, whether they are trustworthy or not. Sometimes these are conscious judgements, sometimes they are subconscious. Things like being on time, being well presented, ensuring positive body language, being enthusiastic, friendly and confident - can all support making a good impression in person. But what if we aren't having the chance to meet these people in person before they are making a decision? I feel very strongly that more and more potential clients are determining their first impressions via what they see from our online presence, silently online browsing before they make a decision on who is going to make it to the short list to contact. What are the keys to making a good first impression online? How is best to present your socials, website and digital footprint? What is the feeling of you and your agency online? How easy is it to do business with you? What is the client's experience when they initially enquire? We'll be running a session on your digital first impression and client experience in the 12 week BDM Foundations program that starts next week on Jan 24th. Are you joining us? Each week we will journey through the core foundations of attracting, connecting and converting new clients with ease through masterclasses, coaching sessions and templates. All the info and registration details are here.

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